Healthy Aging Blog

The Experiential Centivizer Unit

Date: November 12, 2018
Author: Hannah

Recently, I had the opportunity to test out the Experiential Centivizer unit! It was a neat experience combining a driving simulator, 360 degree videos that took me to a variety of places, and a huge selection of catered videos to choose from. 

The driving simulator put me on a scenic tour around a computer-generated island! It felt like I was going for a relaxing Sunday drive. As well, I believe this game could be great for not only healthy aging people, but also people with cognitive impairment. The simulator helped reduce error. For example, if I tried to drive off of the road, it would bump me back onto the road. There was also a lot of nice scenery to view along the way. My favourite part was being able to see billboards on the side of the road which could be filled with happy family pictures, for instance.

Moving onto the 360 degree videos. On the left-hand side of the device, there are 8 3D printed white figurines. If I set a figurine on the sensor, it would begin playing a related video. From there, I was able to spin the steering wheel to look around the video. My favourite video took me to the Angel Falls! It was bright and colourful with nice background music. 

Finally, the 6 coloured buttons on the right side of the unit took me to a variety of videos. Once I entered this setting, I could choose from 5 videos or a shuffle button to refresh the content. Once I selected one video that I liked, the device would show me more related videos that I could play! This was a great feature and it is similar to YouTube's setup.

Overall, I could see this kind of device being able to hold people's attention for a good amount of time and being an enjoyable experience on the whole! I would recommend checking this product out further on the Healthy Aging Mart website! 
